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4.0 Quality Management System Quality Management System
1 目的Purpose 1 Purpose Purpose
根据ISO 9001:2008《质量管理体系要求》和TSG Z0004-2007《特种设备制造、安装、改造、维修质量保证体系基本要求》,公司对建立、实施和保持质量管理体系及对质量管理体系文件编制提出总宏誉要求。 According to ISO 9001:2008 "Quality Management System Requirements" and TSG Z0004-2007 "special equipment manufacturing, installation, alteration, maintenance, basic requirements of quality assurance system," the company in establishing, implementing and maintaining quality management system and the quality management system documentation the general requirements put forward.

2 范围Scope 2 Scope Scope
适用于本公司ISO9001:2008质量管理体系所覆盖的系碧桥列微电机、冷冲成型模、金属塑料浇铸模、牵引车、小型装载机等厂内机动车辆,产品的设计、开发、生产、销售和服务过程。 Applicable to the company's ISO9001: 2008 quality management system covered by a series of micro-motor, cold red forming mold, metal plastic casting mold, tractors, small loaders and other motor vehicles, plant, product design, development, production, sales and service process.
3 职责3.1 总经理a)负责领导公司建立、实施和保持质量管理体系; 3 functions 3.1 Managing a) is responsible for leading the company to establish, implement and maintain a quality management system;
b)批准质量手册和蔽慧段发布质量方针和目标。 b) approval of quality manual and dissemination of quality objectives and targets.
c)是承担安全质量责任的第一责任人。 c) to assume responsibility for safety and quality of the first responsible person.
d) 任命管理者代表。 d) the appointment of management representative.
3.2 管理者代表a). 3.2 The management representative a). 确保质量管理体系所需的过程得到建立、实施和保持; Quality management system to ensure that the process needed to be established, implemented and maintained;
b). b). 向最高管理者报告质量管理体系的绩效和任何改进的需求; Managers report to the highest quality management system performance and any improvement in demand;
c). c). 确保在整个组织内提高满足顾客要求的意识; To ensure that throughout the organization to meet customer requirements to improve awareness;
d). d). 质量管理体系有关事宜与外部方进行联络。 Quality management system, matters relating to liaison with external parties.
3.3 行政管理部a)在管理者代表的领导下,确保公司质量管理体系正常运行; 3.3 The administration department a) under the leadership of the management representative to ensure the company's quality management system to normal operation;
b)负责组织编制与质量方针和目标相一致的质量管理体系文件。 b) is responsible for organizing the preparation and quality policy and consistent with the objectives of the quality management system documents.
4 程序要点4.1 质量管理体系的总要求公司按照ISO 9001:2008标准和TSG Z0004-2007标准要求建立质量管理体系,形成文件,加以保持和实施,并予以持续改进。 4 elements of the procedure 4.1 The quality management system in accordance with the general requirements of ISO 9001:2008 standard and the company TSG Z0004-2007 standard calls for the establishment of quality management system, the formation of documents, to be maintained and implemented, and be continuous improvement. 为此应做到下述要求: For this purpose shall be the following requirements:
a)公司为质量管理体系所需要的过程进行识别,并编制相应的程序文件;这些过程可以是市场调研、产品开发、采购、外包、制造、检验、交付及服务等; a) company quality management system processes needed to identify and prepare the appropriate program files; these processes can be market research, product development, procurement, outsourcing, manufacturing, testing, delivery and services;
b)明确了过程控制的方法及过程之间相互顺序和接口关系;通过识别、确定、监控、测量分析等对过程进行管理; b) a clear process control methods and process of the relationship between the sequence and interface; through the recognition, identification, monitoring, measurement analysis of the process management;
c)对过程进行管理的目的是实施质量管理体系,实现组织的质量方针和目标; c) the purpose of managing the process is to implement the quality management system to achieve the organization's quality policy and objectives;
d)对过程进行测量、监控和分析及采取改进措施,是为了实现所策划的结果,并进行持续的改进。 d) the process to measure, monitor and analyze and take corrective measures, in order to achieve the planned results and continuous improvement.
4.2 质量管理体系应形成文件,并贯彻实施和持续改进。 4.2 Quality Management System should be documented, and the implementation and continuous improvement.
4.2.1 按照ISO 9001:2008标准TSG Z0004-2007标准的要求及公司的实际情况,编制了适宜的文件以使质量管理体系有效运行。 4.2.1 In accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standards TSG Z0004-2007 standard requirements and the company's actual situation, prepared the appropriate documents to enable the effective operation of quality management system.
4.2.2 公司质量管理体系文件结构图: 4.2.2 The company's quality management system, file structure diagram:

质量手册A层次A A quality manual A-level

程序文件B层次作业文件C层次4.2.3 质量手册Quality manual The program file B-level job file C-level 4.2.3 Quality Manual Quality manual
详见本手册0.2 (Refer to See the manual 0.2 (Refer to
4.2.4 程序文件Program files 4.2.4 program files Program files
程序文件是为完成质量体系要求的质量活动所规定的途径,是质量手册的支持性文件,是对各项质量活动采取方法的具体描述,应具有可操作性和可检查性,质量体系程序文件也是质量体系实施中的法规性文件。 Program files is the quality system requirements for the completion of the quality of the activities under way, is the quality of the manual supporting documents, is the quality of the activities of the various approaches taken by the specific description, shall have operational and inspection, quality system and program files is also a quality system implementation of regulatory documents.
4.2.5 作业性文件作业文件是用以指导操作人员按要求完成质量活动的文件, 包括管理标准(各种管理制度等)、工作标准(岗位责任制和任职要求等)、技术标准(国家标准、行业标准、企业标准及作业指导书、检验规范等)和部门质量记录文件等。 4.2.5 Operation of paper work file is used to guide the operator according to the quality of the activities required to complete documents, including management standards (of various management systems, etc.), working standard (positions of responsibility and tenure requirements, etc.), technical standards ( national standards, industry standards, corporate standards and operating instructions, test specifications, etc.) and sectoral quality records files.
4.2.6 文件规定应与实际运作保持一致,随着质量管理体系的变化及质量方针、目标的变化,应及时修订质量管理体系文件,定期评审,确保有效性、充分性和适宜性,执行《文件控制程序》的有关规定。 4.2.6 documents shall be consistent with the actual operation, with the changes in the quality management system and quality policy, objectives change, should be promptly amended quality management system documents, periodic review, to ensure the effectiveness, adequacy and suitability, implementation of the "document control procedures" provisions.
4.2.7 文件可呈现任何媒体形式,如纸张、磁盘、光盘或照片、样件等,都应按照《文件控制程序》进行管理。 4.2.7 document can be rendered any media form, such as paper, disks, CDs or photos, sample pieces, etc., all according to "document control procedures" to manage.
问题补充: Questions added: 此翻译是CE认证所要求的内容,如各位有接触过,能否提供质量手册样本给予帮助! This translation is required for CE certification content, such as you have come into contact, can provide a sample quality manual for help!
在线翻译也可接受,但麻烦调整语序! On-line translator is also acceptable, but the trouble adjusting word order!
谢谢! Thanks!
呵呵,不多我就自己翻译了,这还只是其中很小的一部分,公司总共只给5天时间,我能力有限,请高手帮忙! Oh, not much I own translation, and this is just a small part of them, the company only gives a total of 5 days time, I limited capacity, please expert help!


大哥 看来咱们是同行,不过我现在已经告谨不在工厂呆了山滚,关于ISO9001:2008质量管理体系,我有一份英文版标准给你,建议你还是多看看标准 多熟悉熟悉。

你如果要英文标准的话袜唯基 可以留个E-MAIL给我 我再发给你。


4.0 quality management system
On Management System
1 our Purpose
According to ISO iso9001: the 2008 international quality management system requirements and TSG Z0004-2007 "special equipment manufacture, installation, modification, maintenance quality guarantee system of basic requirements, the company to establish and implement and maintain quality management system of quality management system, and put forward the general documentation requirements.

2 Scope limits
The company applies the quality management system of ISO9001:2008 covered a series of micro-motor and cold blunt, metal plastic mold casting, tractor, mini loader plant vehicles, etc of product design, development, production, sales and service process.
3 duty
3.1 manager
A) is responsible for leading companies to establish and implement and maintain quality management system,
B) approved by the quality manual and quality policies and objectives.
C) is responsible for the safety and quality of the first owner.
D) appointed representative manager.
3.2 management representative
A) to ensure quality management system for the process of establishment and implementation and maintain,
B) the highest managers report to quality management system and improve the performance of any of the demand,
C) ensure throughout the organization to satisfy customer's requirements to improve the consciousness,
D) the quality management system and external relating to contact.
The administrative department of 3.3
A) in management, ensure the company under the leadership of the normal operation of the quality management system,
B) is responsible for organizing the compilation and consistent quality policies and objectives of the quality management system files.
4 main program
Total quality management system, 4.1
According to ISO iso9001: the company standard and Z0004 TSG 2008-2007 standards set up quality control system, documented and maintain and implementation, and continuous improvement. This should be done in the requirements:
A) company for quality management system in the process of need, and identification of the corresponding program files, These processes can be market research, product development, procurement, manufacturing, test, outsourcing, delivery and service, etc.
B) clearly the method and process control sequence and interface relations between each other, Through the recognition, measurement and monitoring and analysis of process management, etc.
C) to process management purpose is to implement quality management system, achieving the organization's quality policy and objective,
D) to process measurement, monitoring and analysis and improvement measures are taken, is in order to realize the planned results, and continuous improvement.
4.2 quality management system should be documented and implementation and continuous improvement.
According to ISO iso9001:2 TSG standard Z0004 2007-2008 standard requirement and the actual situation of the company, the appropriate documents to make efficient operation of the quality management system.
4.2.2 company quality system document structure:

Quality manual, A hierarchy

Cheng, a B level. Sequence

As a possession, C level

Quality manual 4.2.3 on manual for your DNS setting
See this manual (Refer to 0.2
4.2.4 Program files - files.you
To complete the procedures are needed for the quality system stipulated quality activities of the quality manual, is the supporting documents, is to adopt the method of quality activities, shall be operable and check the quality system, quality system implementation procedure files and the legal documents.
4.2.5 homework documents
Homework files are used to guide operators according to the requirements of the quality of the complete documentation, including management standards (various management systems, etc), the working standard (post responsibility and office requirements, etc.), the technical standard (national standard and professional standard and the enterprise standard and work instruction, inspection norms, etc) and quality department records, etc.
4.2.6 files regulations should be consistent with the actual operation of the quality management system, with the quality policy, objectives and the changes, should be revised timely quality management system files regularly, review and ensure the suitability and effectiveness, sufficiency, implement the document control procedures with the relevant provisions of the law.
4.2.7 files can present any type of media, such as paper, disk, CD or photographs, sample, should according to "the document control procedures.


4.0 Quality Management System

Quality Management System

1 Purpose Purpose

According to ISO 9001:2008 "Quality Management System Requirements" and TSG Z0004-2007 "special equipment manufacturing, installation, alteration, maintenance, basic requirements of quality assurance system," the company in establishing, implementing and maintaining quality management system and the quality management system documentation the general requirements put forward.

2 Scope Scope

Applicable to the company's ISO9001: 2008 quality management system covered by a series of micro-motor, cold red forming mold, metal plastic casting mold, tractors, small loaders and other motor vehicles, plant, product design, development, production, sales and service process.

3 functions

3.1 General Manager

    a) is responsible for leading the company to establish, implement and maintain a quality management system;

b) approval of quality manual and dissemination of quality objectives and targets.

c) to assume responsibility for safety and quality of the first responsible person.

d) the appointment of management representative.

3.2 The management representative

a). Quality management system to ensure that the process needed to be established, implemented and maintained;

b). Managers report to the highest quality management system performance and any improvement in demand;

c). To ensure that throughout the organization to meet customer requirements to improve awareness;

d). Quality management system, matters relating to liaison with external parties.

3.3 Department of Administration

   a) under the leadership of the management representative to ensure the company's quality management system to normal operation;

   b) is responsible for organizing the preparation and quality policy and consistent with the objectives of the quality management system documents.

4 elements of the procedure

4.1 the general requirements of quality management system

    Company in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standard and TSG Z0004-2007 standard calls for the establishment of quality management system, the formation of documents, to be maintained and implemented, and be continuous improvement. For this purpose shall be the following requirements:

    a) company quality management system processes needed to identify and prepare the appropriate program files; these processes can be market research, product development, procurement, outsourcing, manufacturing, testing, delivery and services;

b) a clear process control methods and process of the relationship between the sequence and interface; through the recognition, identification, monitoring, measurement analysis of the process management;

    c) the purpose of managing the process is to implement the quality management system, to achieve the organization's quality policy and objectives;

    d) the process to measure, monitor and analyze and take corrective measures, in order to achieve the planned results and continuous improvement.

4.2 Quality Management System should be documented, and the implementation and continuous improvement.

4.2.1 In accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standards TSG Z0004-2007 standard requirements and the company's actual situation, developed a suitable text


4.0 Quality Management System

Quality Management System

1 Purpose Purpose

According to ISO 9001:2008 "Quality Management System Requirements" and TSG Z0004-2007 "special equipment manufacturing, installation, alteration, maintenance, basic requirements of quality assurance system," the company in establishing, implementing and maintaining quality management system and the quality management system documentation the general requirements put forward.

2 Scope Scope

Applicable to the company's ISO9001: 2008 quality management system covered by a series of micro-motor, cold red forming mold, metal plastic casting mold, tractors, small loaders and other motor vehicles, plant, product design, development, production, sales and service process.

3 functions

3.1 General Manager

    a) is responsible for leading the company to establish, implement and maintain a quality management system;

b) approval of quality manual and dissemination of quality objectives and targets.

c) to assume responsibility for safety and quality of the first responsible person.

d) the appointment of management representative.

3.2 The management representative

a). Quality management system to ensure that the process needed to be established, implemented and maintained;

b). Managers report to the highest quality management system performance and any improvement in demand;

c). To ensure that throughout the organization to meet customer requirements to improve awareness;

d). Quality management system, matters relating to liaison with external parties.

3.3 Department of Administration

   a) under the leadership of the management representative to ensure the company's quality management system to normal operation;

   b) is responsible for organizing the preparation and quality policy and consistent with the objectives of the quality management system documents.

4 elements of the procedure

4.1 the general requirements of quality management system

    Company in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standard and TSG Z0004-2007 standard calls for the establishment of quality management system, the formation of documents, to be maintained and implemented, and be continuous improvement. For this purpose shall be the following requirements:

    a) company quality management system processes needed to identify and prepare the appropriate program files; these processes can be market research, product development, procurement, outsourcing, manufacturing, testing, delivery and services;

b) a clear process control methods and process of the relationship between the sequence and interface; through the recognition, identification, monitoring, measurement analysis of the process management;

    c) the purpose of managing the process is to implement the quality management system, to achieve the organization's quality policy and objectives;

    d) the process to measure, monitor and analyze and take corrective measures, in order to achieve the planned results and continuous improvement.

4.2 Quality Management System should be documented, and the implementation and continuous improvement.

4.2.1 In accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standards TSG Z0004-2007 standard requirements and the company's actual situation, prepared the appropriate documents to enable the effective operation of quality management system.


都给你翻译2个了 给分吧